
Research Plan

Dear PhD student,

We remind you that, as a PhD student regulated by RD 99/2011, you must submit a Research Plan within one year of completing your first enrolment.

At his regard, the PhD regulations state:

"Within  one  year  of  completing  their  first  enrolment,  doctoral  candidates  must  prepare  a  Research Plan and submit it to the academic committee of their programme. The Research Plan must be endorsed by the thesis supervisor and academic tutor, and may be improved and made more specific over the course of the candidate’s period of study.."

A  doctoral  candidate  may  be  dismissed  from  a  doctoral  programme  for  the  following  reasons:

  • The  doctoral  candidate  not  having  submitted  the  Research  Plan  in  the  period  established in Article 8.2 of these regulations.
  • The  Research  Plan  not  being  accepted  by  the  academic  committee  of  the  doctoral  programme, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8.2 of these regulations.
The Research Plan must be submitted throught the ATENEA PhD. We advice you to check the instructions that you will find in this link.

In order to know your deadline to submit this Research Plan, you must access the E-Secretary and check the date of your first PhD enrolment.

The specific dates for the presentation of the research plan to the court depend on each doctoral program.